Clay Beginner ・ Töpferkurs
to Sep 26

Clay Beginner ・ Töpferkurs


Clay Beginner ・ Töpferkurs

Töpferkurs für AnfängerInnen an der Töpferscheibe in geschlossener Kleingruppe

4 wöchiger Töpferkurs — max 3 Plätze verfügbar

Du möchtest kreativ sein und dabei eine Menge Spaß haben? Dann bist Du herzlich zu unserem Töpferkurs für AnfängerInnen eingeladen! Über vier aufregende Wochen, einmal in der Woche von 17:00 Uhr bis 19:30 Uhr, tauchen wir gemeinsam in die Welt der Töpferei ein und lernen, wie man auf der Töpferscheibe einzigartige Gefäße zaubert.

● Woche 1: Donnerstag, 5. Septemner ・ 17-19:30 Uhr ・ Die Grundlagen von Ton und Töpfern an der Scheibe

● Woche 2: Donnerstag, 12. Septemner ・ 17-19:30 Uhr ・ begleitendes Üben an der Scheibe

● Woche 3: Donnerstag, 19. Septemner ・ 17-19:30 Uhr ・ begleitendes Üben an der Scheibe

● Woche 4: Donnerstag, 26. Septemner ・ 17-19:30 Uhr ・ Glasieren der entstandenen Kunstwerke

Verpasse nicht diese wunderbare Gelegenheit, die Freude am Töpfern auf der Scheibe zu entdecken und deine eigenen einzigartigen Keramikmeisterwerke zu erschaffen. Ob du ein neues Hobby ausprobieren, dich nach einem langen Tag entspannen oder einfach einen kreativen Ausgleich suchen möchtest – dieser Kurs ist die perfekte Wahl für AnfängerKomm vorbei und lass deiner Fantasie freien Lauf auf der Töpferscheibe!

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

  • 〰️ Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!

    Dieser Kurs wurde speziell für Anfänger konzipiert, sodass keinerlei Vorkenntnisse erforderlich sind. Du wirst Schritt für Schritt durch den gesamten Prozess geführt – von der Vorbereitung des Tons bis hin zur Fertigung deines eigenen Gefäßes.

    〰️ Töpfern auf der Scheibe

    Lerne die grundlegenden Techniken des Töpferns auf der Scheibe kennen: Zentrieren, Öffnen, Formen und Gestalten des Tons. Du wirst erstaunt sein, was du mit etwas Anleitung und Übung alles schaffen kannst! Um eine persönliche Betreuung und eine entspannte Lernatmosphäre sicherzustellen, halten wir unsere Klassengröße bewusst klein. Dies ermöglicht ausreichend Raum für individuelle Fragen und persönliche Unterstützung.

    〰️ Materialien inklusive

    Alle Materialien, einschließlich Ton, Werkzeug und Glasuren, werden bereitgestellt. Du brauchst nur deine Begeisterung und Kreativität mitzubringen!

  • 〰️ Wechselkleidung die schmutzig werden darf

    〰️ Schürze zum arbeiten

Ist diesmal nicht der richtige Termin dabei?

Dann schreib uns gern eine E-Mail an : mit deinem oder eurem Wunschtag, und wir schauen, ob wir einen passenden Kurs für dich organisieren können. Unsere Priorität ist es, dir ein unvergessliches Töpfererlebnis zu bieten, das sich perfekt in deinen Zeitplan einfügt. Zögere nicht, uns zu kontaktieren – wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit dir kreativ zu werden!

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Sunday Ritual

Sunday Ritual


✺ Sunday Ritual

A perfect way to start your Sunday Morning

“Having a slow morning. Giving your soul a chance to catch up with your body. Feeling rested, centered within yourself and energized for the week ahead. Embracing the simple joys of life on a Sunday, shared with a beautiful community."
A themed based slow morning class that gives you a beautiful mix of resetting, recharging and reflecting.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Sunday Ritual

Sunday Ritual


✺ Sunday Ritual

A perfect way to start your Sunday Morning

“Having a slow morning. Giving your soul a chance to catch up with your body. Feeling rested, centered within yourself and energized for the week ahead. Embracing the simple joys of life on a Sunday, shared with a beautiful community."
A themed based slow morning class that gives you a beautiful mix of resetting, recharging and reflecting.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Sunday Ritual

Sunday Ritual


✺ Sunday Ritual

A perfect way to start your Sunday Morning

“Having a slow morning. Giving your soul a chance to catch up with your body. Feeling rested, centered within yourself and energized for the week ahead. Embracing the simple joys of life on a Sunday, shared with a beautiful community."
A themed based slow morning class that gives you a beautiful mix of resetting, recharging and reflecting.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Sunday Ritual

Sunday Ritual


✺ Sunday Ritual

A perfect way to start your Sunday Morning

“Having a slow morning. Giving your soul a chance to catch up with your body. Feeling rested, centered within yourself and energized for the week ahead. Embracing the simple joys of life on a Sunday, shared with a beautiful community."
A themed based slow morning class that gives you a beautiful mix of resetting, recharging and reflecting.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Pilates + HIIT

Pilates + HIIT


Join our class and experience the perfect blend of deep muscle sculpting and high-intensity interval training that will take your workouts to the next level. Forget about dull and monotonous routines – get ready for a dynamic session that will challenge and transform your body in ways you never thought possible. Our classes cover everything from a focused warm-up to activating your power, ensuring that every part of your body is engaged. Embrace the fusion of Pilates and HIIT for an exhilarating and effective fitness experience. The synergy between these two powerful workout styles will push you to new limits and help you achieve results that you never thought possible. As the session winds down, our calming cool-down will leave you feeling both relaxed and empowered.

  • 〰️ we provide yoga mats in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ bring something to drink and a towel to the class

  • 〰️ German & English

  • 〰️ Nathalie Julie Haak

    Since Nathalie’s childhood sport has been always a big part of her life. She loves to share her passion with you and show you how to connect with your body, not only in a physically, but also in a mentally way. In this Phiit class you will learn how to activate your deep muscles and work out with your own body weight. Nathalie brings experiences from her time in Greece, where she worked with many people all around the world as a group fitness and personal trainer.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly, but also for people, who have experiences in Pilates and HIIT

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Thrift Market Pop Up
to Mar 31

Thrift Market Pop Up


Thrift Market Pop Up

Welcome to the Pop Up Weekend at the Daydream Studio in Krems.
Mark your calendars — Get ready to thrift and uncover some special finds.
Take a moment to unwind with a good cup of coffee and delicious cake.

when :

March 29 ・ 10am - 6pm

March 30 ・ 10am - 6pm

March 31 ・ 10am - 6pm

where :

Daydream Studio,

Steiner Landstraße 14

3500 Krems

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Full Moon Yoga

Full Moon Yoga


Get in tune with the oldest cycle in the world. Breathe and emit that special cosmic energy. A full moon is the ideal opportunity to turn inward, reflect, manifest and release the old.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Full Moon Yoga

Full Moon Yoga


Get in tune with the oldest cycle in the world. Breathe and emit that special cosmic energy. A full moon is the ideal opportunity to turn inward, reflect, manifest and release the old.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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New Moon Yoga

New Moon Yoga


Get in tune with the oldest cycle in the world. Breathe and emit that special cosmic energy. A new moon is the ideal opportunity to turn inward, reflect, manifest and release the old.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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this yin class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and heal. Starting this year with new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us. Take this Tuesday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhance your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow


In this class we will tune into the body with a gentle yoga flow, connecting and aligning our breath with movement. You will build strength, flexibility and learn how to move with intention and awareness through your physical and energetical body. We will close up our practice with a short guided meditation to relax even more and fill up that freshly cleared space with peace, love, compassion and intention, so that you’ll feel light and full of new gained energy to meet the world with a strong mind and an open heart.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • 〰️ english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

    Leni is more about feeling than performing. Her yoga classes lead you to get in touch with your deepest self, working through emotions with the help of yoga and breathing. It’s all about checking in with your inner home, reflecting and compassion. For yourself and the world around us. Leni offers a space where you can get onto the mat to meet and connect with yourself, open up, release and heal. She finds peace, deep grounding and gratitude in teaching her gentle yoga style combined with restorative and yin yoga. 200-hour yoga teacher training approved by Yoga Alliance at house of Om, Bali

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Restore meets Shiatsu

Restore meets Shiatsu


stretch and unwind.

experience the benefits of restorative yoga, a gentle practice with passive posturesthat release tension and stress ・ by using props and holding poses, you can increase flexibility and let go of built-up tension ・ unwind with shiatsu, an ancient healing art that guides energy flow through pressure points and stretches ・ this class will induce deep relaxation and release blocked energy ・ feel supported by gentle pressures and stretches, promoting healing of both body and mind ・ leave feeling balanced and grounded, as the combination of restorative yoga and Shiatsu creates a unique holistic experience for body and mind.

  • 〰️ beginner friendly, the classes are suitable for people with or without yoga experience.

  • 〰️ Kathi Trattner

    Her yoga style is characterized by its suitability for every level and body awareness. Kathi has the ability to connect people with their bodies and breathe.

    Adjustment and alignment in each yoga pose are particularly important to her. With her three-year training as a Hara Shiatsu® practitioner, she is an expert in bodywork and brings a healing effect to her Yoga meets Shiatsu classes.

  • 〰️ german

  • 〰️ Stretch and Ground: The gentle stretching and grounding of Restorative Yoga postures harmonize perfectly with Shiatsu techniques, allowing participants to experience a profound sense of release and relaxation.

    〰️ Activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System: The synergy between these practices activates the parasympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the "rest and digest" mode, which promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports overall well-being.

    〰️ Enhance Mind-Body Connection: This class fosters a deep connection between the body and mind, helping participants become more in tune with their physical and emotional sensations.

  • 〰️ a water bottle + everything else you might need to get really cosy. wear warm clothes & socks.

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Nourishing November・Yoga Class

Nourishing November・Yoga Class


A Yoga class series divided into four different parts, each class under an element. Our whole biological existence, thus the essence of life is a dance of the four (five) elements. Everything in this universe is connected and in connection with one another.

A time to rest, find peace within yourself and nourish your body, mind and spirit in this calm and grounding season of the year.

  • 〰️ 08.11 - earth bhumi — stability, endurance, consistency, strength, mother earth balancing your muladhara (root) chakra through a grounding and gentle flow to reconnect to mother earth and establish a profound trust in your own body and mind. pranayama. earth meditation. 

    〰️ 16.11 - fire agni — transformation, charisma, vitality, courage, light
this element is intense and stimulating, creating alteration, growth and transformation - whitnessing a change within yourself, remaining open for new adventures. an essential part for cleansing. surya namaskar - sun salutations. manipura (solar plexus) chakra. pranayama. candle meditation.

    〰️ 23.11 - water apas — flowing movement, softness, adaptability, flexibility
a gentle hip opening flow, worshipping the emotional body and lunar female aspects (new moon 23.11). an element which supports transformation through intuition and is located in the svadhistana (sacral) chakra. chandra namaskar - moon salutations. pranayama. ocean meditation.

    〰️ 30.11 - air vayu — wings of life, expression of movement, active, light as a feather 
a refreshing element, bringing expansion, inspiration, mobility and change on all levels. the home of your mind and spirit. prana - the life energy being transported by your lungs through our body. pranayama. ujjayi breathing. a flow filled with lightness and playfulness, synchronizing breath and movement. a meditation about freedom and the connection to our heart chakra anahata.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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Candle Light Yoga

Candle Light Yoga


In the cozy atmosphere of several candles, hot tea, gentle 528Hz music and comforting community you’ll have the opportunity to dive deeper into your body, let your mind find some peace and nourish your soul.

„We do not use the body to get into a pose — we use the pose to get into the body.“

  • This class is all about feeling and witnessing shifts in your body. Knowing when to push more, when to let go. Being able to let yourself fall into your body and the pose. Being aware of internal changes and using the breath to guide ourselves, giving us the ability to let go and creating new space for compassion and love. For ourselves and the world around us.

Take this cozy Sunday evening to get to know yourself even deeper, enhace your practice and calm your precious mind and soul.

  • 〰️ we provide hejhej yoga mats and cushions in the studio

    〰️ wear comfortable clothes where you feel free and light

    〰️ if you love it cozy, bring warm Socks and cozy Sweater

    〰️ if you feel like writing something down for yourself after the practice, bring a journal to give those thoughts some space

  • english

  • 〰️ Lena Steffens

  • 〰️ beginner friendly

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